
The Derung Ethnic Group: Its Past and Present

——Written and Edited by China Ethnic News



Derung ethnic group, with the name decided by late Premier Zhou Enlai, enjoys equal status in the big family of the Chinese nation though with only a small population of 6,900. The Derung people live with honour and dignity in the big family of the Chinese nation, in the People’s Republic of China.

 ——An excerpt from President Xi Jinping’s speech in meeting with the delegates of officials and people from Gongshan Derung and Nu Autonomous County in January 2015

The Derung people climbed the ladder of a cliff to get in and out of their villages before the founding of the new China.


AllDerungpeople were lifted out of poverty in 2018, remarkable millennial cross-stage development.The photo shows Li Yongming (right), a young man of Derung ethnic groupand his grandmotherstrollingtheir beautiful villagein 2020. From Xinhua News Agency


The Derung ethnic group are one of the Chinese ethnic minorities with small populations, whose population was 3090 in 1964 and 7310 in 2020 according to statistics. They living mainly in Derung River Township, Gongshan Derung and Nu Autonomous County (hereinafter Gongshan County), Yunnan Province. Before the founding of the new China, the Derung people have lived a primitive life, engaging in slash-and-burn cultivation, using knots for keeping records, and hunting for food.


Until the founding of PRC, the Derung Group hadn’t owned an official name. In January 1952, when Premier Zhou Enlai received the delegates of the Derung Group, he was informed that in old society, the reactionary rulers discriminated against the Derung people and named them with disgraceful names. Premier Zhou then called that “Any act of discrimination against ethnic minorities is not allowed. All those humiliating names in the past must be abolished. As you call yourselves the Derung people, which is a memorable and beautiful name, we will call you by this name, as you wish.”


It is hard for people, who have never visited the Derung River, to imagine how harsh the environment can be. There are towering mountains, deep ravines and precipitous gorges, with heavy snow covering the mountains for half time of a year. The snow-clad Gaoligong Mountains hindered the Derung people from communicating with the outside, the main reason for poverty.


In 1999, the Chinese government invested more than 100,000,000 RMB for the construction of simpleroughroad in Derung River. But due to restrictions on geological environments and technical conditions, the road tunnel was located above the 3000-meter “snow line” in elevation, which means the transportation in Derung River Township was still bloked by heavy snow every half year.


Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, President Xi Jinping has laid much emphasis on the development of ethnic minorities and their regions, giving important instructions many times with clear requirements. In 2014, the 6.68km-long Derung River Highway Tunnel in the Gaoligong Mountains was finally opened for traffic, after such adverse factors as rock bursts, water inrushes, cave-ins and even avalanches successfully overcome.


Derung people were overjoyed, and they wrote to President Xi Jinping to share the good news.Xi replied with his congratulations and care for them. Half a year later, while on his tour of inspection in Yunnan, Xi made the time from his tight schedule and met with the delegates of officials and people from Gongshan County in Kunming.


President Xi Jinping said to them: “You live in a border and mountainous area, which is also a poverty-stricken area. Life was in a primitive status here before the founding of the new China. After 1949, under the support of the Party and government, the Derung proceed from a primitive society to socialism, the first cross-stage development. Since the start of the new century, we have achieved the second cross-stage development, which is to build a moderately prosperous society for all ethnic groups. In this process, the Party, the government and people of all ethnic groups will, as always, care for, support and assist the Derung.”


This impressive meeting encouraged the Derung people greatly that they have more confidence for the future.


Some once questioned if it was worth it to invest more than 1 billion RMB to an ethnic group of only a few thousand people. Why not simply move them out of themountains? But officials and people of Derung River Township gave their own answer: Derung River Township is not only home to the Derung people for generations, but also covers 1,994 square kilometers of land with a national boundary as long as 91.7 kilometers, which must be guarded by the people from generation to generation.


Now, with the help of the Party and the government, the Derung people have not just moved into new houses but developed characteristic plantations oftraditional Chinese medicine herbs. At the end of 2018, good news came that a historic change had just taken place among this people once led a primitive lifestyle. All those registered as poor in the township had been lifted out of poverty, which means that the whole ethnic group has shaken off poverty completely.


This was a dream that the Derung people had been aspiring for a thousand years. They wrote to President Xi Jinping to share the good news.


President Xi Jinping replied to them on April 10, 2019, congratulating the Derung group for getting out of poverty as a whole. He added: “Getting out of poverty is just the first step and better days are forthcoming. I hope that the Derungwould work harder together in building the hometown, guarding the border, and creating a better tomorrow of the Derung people.”


(By Li Yin)